Leon Gulbronson

Spiritual Albums



**BRAND SPANKING NEW!**  Mother of the Americas Thru Her Love He Touched Me.

      Lee with his band Scorpius have a new spiritual album.   "Mother of the Americas Thru Her Love He Touched Me." All the songs from this album can be sampled so its on a separate page. Please click the picture link of Mother Mary below to listen to
this truly beautiful and inspiring music. Tracks or the entire album can be sampled and purchased directly from CD Baby
as can "This Place in Time" and "Birth of A Star" elsewhere from this site on the Albums page.

 Lee has also recorded the following outstanding albums!

Album: He Touched Me:

    The album "He Touched Me" is a very well written and organized music work. It encompasses many new innovative genres and was written with the guidance of the Holy Spirit of God. Through prayer and work the album was a monumental undertaking and accomplishment. Your hearing a clip of the title song on this page. Few albums really catch the beauty of the Lord's work and words in song. Most of the tracks reflect real life experiences afforded me in my walk with Jesus. It generates the peacefulness and glory of God and was written to be an enlightenment to all who experience the album. We are only an instrument in the Lord's hands to share the gospel of love to all those who love God and music reflecting the power of the creator. Let your spirit soar as eagles and enjoy the work titled: He Touched Me.
If you would like to know more about Lee Gulbro "He Touched Me" please E-mail through our secure connection by clicking the link below.  Please include your first name and e-mail address - Thank You

Album: One Golden Cross:

   One Golden Cross is a beautiful Spiritual work and album.
It is all original in content and encompasses vocal arrangements, guitar, keyboards, drum and bass guitar. The vocals are very strong and sung well. One Golden Cross is a Classic Rock spiritual album in style.
  The Album brings out in every beautiful way the gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Very inspirational and exciting. The lyrics were inspired by the Holy Spirit and will bring many listeners to the love and blessings of God.

    If you would like to know more about Lee Gulbro "One Golden Cross"
please fill out below.  Please include your first name and e-mail address.
Thank You




                             DESIGNED BY

                             FRED K. KLEIN



                       LEE GULBRO